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BODY LANGUAGE brings you a healthy and natural solution with BODY LIVE to help you achieve your weight and figure goals.
Four products acting in synergy to achieve your ideal slimming and well-being goal. Your Body Live program is a solution with natural and patented ingredients to successfully achieve your goals.
To succeed without weariness, 3 essential keys:
- Control your calorie intake with the Repas Pocket with vanilla flavor
- Promote fat destruction, decrease abdominal fat and hip fat with BURNER 360
- Support your body in eliminating toxins with NATURODETOX
- General well-being and increased immune defenses with ALOEL


BODY LANGUAGE brings you a healthy and natural solution with BODY LIVE to help you achieve your weight and figure goals.
Four products acting in synergy to achieve your ideal slimming and well-being goal. Your Body Live program is a solution with natural and patented ingredients to successfully achieve your goals.
To succeed without weariness, 3 essential keys:
- Control your calorie intake with the Repas Pocket with vanilla flavor
- Promote fat destruction, decrease abdominal fat and hip fat with BURNER 360
- Support your body in eliminating toxins with NATURODETOX
- General well-being and increased immune defenses with ALOEL

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108,44 €

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92,19 €


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As part of your monthly Body Live program:
- ALOEL: once a day, 30 ml before breakfast.
- NATURODETOX: 14 taken the first 14 days, in the morning with breakfast. 1 stick to be diluted in 200 ml of water in your Body Language bottle.
- BURNER 360: once a day, 3 capsules for breakfast.
- REPAS POCKET VANILLA: 7 doses, 1 sachet to replace a meal. 1 to 2 doses per week. It is advisable to carry out the program over a period of 3 months to benefit from all the benefits of the products and obtain an optimal result.

Precautions for use: Consult the sheet for each ingredient of the solution in order to know the precautions for use before use.


Body Live solution: Aloel ABL80 + NaturoDetox NAT01 + Burner 360 BRN01
+ Repas Pocket (7 sachets) Vanilla RPO01


[NAT01] - Ingrédients pour 1 stick : maltodextrine, légumes en poudre (épinard, jus concentré d’artichaut, tomate, chou vert, carotte), fruits en poudre (Jus d’orange concentré, Jus concentré d’acérola, Jus concentré d’ananas, Extrait de papaye fruit, Jus concentré de citron), arôme naturel de citron avec autres arômes naturels, Spiruline en poudre, Extrait sec de thé vert feuille, anti-agglomérant : carbonate de magnésium

Composition pour 1 stick (6g) :

Légumes en poudre :
- Epinard : 400 mg
- Artichaut (Cynara scolymus L.) : 333 mg dont cynarine : 8.3 mg
- Tomate : 200 mg
- Chou vert : 100 mg
- Carotte : 100 mg

Fruit en poudre :
- Jus d’orange concentré (Citrus sinensis L.) : 400 mg
- Jus concentré d’acérola (Malpighia punicifolia L. ou Malpighia glabra) : 180 mg dont Vitamine C naturelle : 24 mg (30% VNR)
- Jus concentré d’ananas (Ananas comosus L.) : 150 mg dont activité enzymatique : 225 mUHB
- Extrait de papaye fruit (Carica papaya L.) : 100 mg dont activité protéolitique : 600000 NFPU
- Jus concentré de citron (Citrus limon L.)) : 100 mg

Spiruline en poudre (Spirulina platensis) : 200 mg

Extrait sec de thé vert feuille (Camellia sinensis L.) : 150 mg dont :
- Caféine : 7,5 mg
- Polyphénols totaux : 82,5 mg
- Catéchines totaux : 45 mg
- EGCG (gallate epigallocatéchine gallate) : 22,5 mg

VNR : Valeurs nutritionnelles de référence

[BRN01] - Ingrédients pour 1 gélule : mélange d’extraits (pamplemousse, orange douce, orange sanguine et guarana ; maltodextrine), enveloppe végétale : hypromellose, extrait de wakamé, extrait de guarana à 22% de caféine, antiagglomérant : sels de magnésium d’acides gras
[ABL80] - Ingrédients: Aloe vera barbensis miller gel (87%), Nectar d'agave (11.47%), Miel (1%), Epaississant (Gomme Xanthane), Acidifiant (Acide citrique), Conservateurs (Benzoate de sodium, Sorbate de potassium)